Monthly Archives: August 2016

“Congratulations DA”
“CONGRATULATIONS DA”!!! On An Absolutely Successful Election. We’ve Done Exceedingly Well. Three Out Of The 4 Metros In Gauteng Are Now DA Controlled, There’s No Doubt Gauteng Province Has Swung DA. But Now The Party Is Over And It’s Time To Govern Well.
To Quote… “And so I say to my DA colleagues in the 33 governments we now lead:
Let us never arrogantly claim that we have a divine right to rule, or that we will “govern until Jesus comes back”.
Let us govern with grace and humility.
Let us listen to the people who put us in power.
Let us do our best, at all times, for all the citizens of this country.
Let us never take the voters for granted.”
– Mmusi Maimani.